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Definition Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck - Cuerpo10 Cirugía Plástica - Líderes en cirugía plástica
USA +1 (786) 254 0870 COLOMBIA 316-522-1205
Cuerpo10 Cirugía Plástica – Líderes en cirugía plástica

Dirección de Oficina

Ave 14th Street, Mirpur 210, San Franciso, USA 3296.

Teléfonos de Contacto

+0989 7876 9865 9

+3333 4343 2233

Correos Electrónicos

High-Definition Abdominoplasty - tummy tuck

Lipectomy OR Abdominoplasty

An abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is the ideal procedure for those patients who have lost abdominal tone due to pregnancies and weight gain, and who present sagging and sometimes stretch marks, besides loss of waist shape. It is a procedure in which the diseased skin is removed along with the abdominal striae, achieving a marked waist and an athletic abdominal wall by the modification and way of straining and repositioning the abdominal muscles. An additional complement to the procedure is a power-assisted liposuction (PAL) not only to achieve the perfect abdomen and waist but also a beautiful torso and buttocks. For this outpatient surgical procedure performed with cutting-edge devices, you are required to stay approximately 12 days at rest.


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