When the size and shape of the chin is not in accordance with the facial features and the length of the neck, a mentoplasty is necessary.
The mentoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that does not leave any external scar, in which the chin bone itself or using implants predesigned for this purpose is perfected the width and length of the mandibular according to each facial profile. This procedure has indication in patients with deficit or excess of chin, according to his facial profile and which must be evaluated milimetrically by a specialist to decide the exact dimension and measurement of the chin, medical photography and sometimes some x-rays of the skull allow to elaborate the perfect chin for each face.
Generally a reference point to know if it is necessary to perform a mentoplasty is to assess in a profile photo if the chin is aligned with respect to the lower lip or if on the contrary it is behind or in front of it. In case of one of these 2 alterations, the patient is a candidate for a mentoplasty. It is also important to take into account the perception of the chin, if it is considered small or poorly projected, the patient should consult to evaluate the need for the procedure. The postoperative is very fast and simple because the approach is inside the mouth, the discomfort is minimal and only an adequate intraoral grooming should be sought.